Baroness because my direct ancestor, Baron Jacob Bassevi von Treuenberg, was an ennobled Jew from Verona, Italy and Prague, Czech Republic. Tapuzina (a variety of Israeli orange and a softdrink) because I used to live in a town in central Israel that still has orange groves in the middle of town. I now live in a small predominately Yemenite farming village in central Israel that is surrounded by citrus groves and plant nurseries.
I am originally from a small town in Alabama, born to an immigrant Jewish-German family. My best friend called my home the “house of weird vegetables”! Weird vegetables were asparagus, artichokes, brussel sprouts, red cabbage….. And then there was matzo sandwiches for Passover.
At seventeen I went to Europe for six weeks and I was never the same. I ended up studying in Germany and Switzerland and now my home is in Israel.
I am User Assistant Development Architect by profession and an avid amateur cook. I love cooking challenges. I have taken a French pastry course, Italian cooking course and learned everything about Chinese cooking from my grandmother’s Chinese cook. Now I am experimenting with Middle Eastern cooking.
Israel is a real melting pot and I am really enjoying cooking with all of the wonderful fresh vegetables and herbs.
I have been very fortunate to have travelled a lot. I love to learn and experience different cultures, everything from language to music to food. I speak five languages and understand a few others.